Let’s take a moment to be thankful…

I have been seeing a ton of thankful posts lately (because it’s November and Thanksgiving and all and I love them so keep them coming!) and I admit it-I am not thankful enough. Although I am so so SO thankful-it is NOT enough.

Yesterday was an extremely sad day in the “Diabetic World” of Facebook (part of the ones I follow at least.) One of the MODs (Mother of a Diabetic) that I follow (because she is AWESOME!) found out that her baby has Type 1 Diabetes. 😦  I say baby because it is true! Hope is only 13 months old.

Back story: Faith (the MOD I speak of’s oldest child) was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 4 years ago. Her “Diversary” (the day she was diagnosed with T1D) was a couple days ago. She was only 9 months old when she was diagnosed. That is insane! When Con was in the hospital they told us that he was one of the youngest they have seen (he was 2 1/2!) And then when I started meeting other T1D families, I realized that 2 1/2 really isn’t that young at all! But 9 months old!?! 13 months old!!?!! What kind of cruel world is this!?

Well, now Faith’s sister, Hope, was also diagnosed with T1D at only 13 months old. She was diagnosed on the SAME DAY EXACTLY 4 YEARS AFTER FAITH WAS DIAGNOSED!! I can’t get my head around it. I cannot imagine the hurt and pain this family is going through right now. And yet, they are staying so positive! My heart and prayers go out to the Wilson family! If you want to follow their incredible story, you can find the beautiful Wilson family here: https://www.facebook.com/whereswuby

Sadly, they are not the only family out there that has multiple children plagued with T1D. The Gidner family (who can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/MomOfTwoType1Kids) and Meri with her 4 sons (THREE of which are ALL T1 Diabetic!) can be found here http://www.ourdiabeticlife.com/. And the list goes on! How is it possible that these families have to deal with not ONLY one child with T1D (which is incredibly hard enough) but TWO and even THREE!?! Baffles me.

I also write this post because, before I even read about Faith and Hope, I had contacted my oldest son’s doctor to get him tested (again) for T1D. He has been having weird symptoms lately-not eating, I swear he is loosing weight and I cringe every time he asks for water. I know I am super paranoid, and I even told his doctor that, but what kind of MOD would I be if I didn’t catch the signs of T1D in my other child!?

Conclusion-I tested him at home with one of Con’s ketone strips because I am crazy impatient (his ketone strips also have a side that tests how much sugar is in their urine. A “normal” person should NOT have sugar in their urine.) and it turned out completely negative. Whew! So, It turns out  I am completely crazy for now, we only have one child with T1D and that is enough for us! ❤

If you ever need a “Diabetic Dictionary” (because I use a lot of words you probably don’t understand) I have a post that references a really awesome website that has it all and you can find it here: https://iamapancreas.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/diabetes-terminology/
